University of Rhode Island
Kingston, Rhode Island 02881
B.S. in English
Edinboro University - 1965
M.A. in English
Kent State University - 1966
Ph.D. in English
Kent State University - 1969
J.D. at McDowell School of Law
University of Akron - 1981
Additional graduate course work in counseling psychology.
Gannon University - 1970 to 1971
University of Rhode Island - July 1991 to Present
Minnesota State University System - 1986 to 1991
Southwest State University - 1983 to 1986
Vice President for Administration and Student Personnel Services
Edinboro University - 1980 to 1983
Dean of School of Arts and Humanities
Edinboro University - 1980
Chairman for Department of English
Edinboro University - 1975 to 1979
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor of English
Edinboro University - 1969 to 1979
Alliance College - Summer of 1969
Graduate Assistant, Teaching Fellow and Instructor
Kent State University - 1965 to 1968
Robert L. Carothers, "The Hand and Eye in Joyce's Portrait," The Serif, IV (Spring, 1967), 17-29.
Robert L. Carothers, "Melville's 'Cenci': A Portrait of Pierre." Ball State University Forum. X (Winter, 1969), 53-59.
Robert L. Carothers and John L. Marsh, "The Whale and the Panorama", Nineteenth Century Fiction (December, 1971), 3l9-328.
Robert L. Carothers, "Hopkins and the Irish Question", Faculty Journal. II (September, 1972), ll-l8.
Robert L. Carothers, Strategy: An Academic Survival Kit, Edinboro, Pennsylvania, 1971: The Edinboro Foundation; Revised Second Edition, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt Publishers, 1974.
Robert L. Carothers, "Section 504 and Faculty Accommodation: How To Strategies" ; "Four Problems and Models for On-Campus Workshops" ; "Procedures and Strategies for Developing Program Access and Involving Faculty on the Campus", in Access for Handicapped Students to Higher Education, Philip S. Jastrom and Guy C. McCombs, III, eds., Washington: United States Department of Education, l98l.
Robert L. Carothers, "Trippingly on the Tongue: Translating Quality for the Academy", American Association for Higher Education Bulletin. 45, Number 3 (November, 1992), 6-10.
Robert L. Carothers and Mary Lou Sevigny, "Classism and Quality", in Pursuit of Quality in Higher Education: Case Studies in Total Quality Management, Deborah J. Teeter and G. Gregory Lozier, eds., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993.
Robert L. Carothers, "Marking Another Anniversary: The Diaspora of the Sephardic Jews," Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes. Vol. 11, No. 2 (November, 1992), 1-6.
Robert L. Carothers and Jayne Richmond, "Faculty as Customers: Hard Lessons for Administrators", in Continuous Quality Improvement: Making the Transition to Education, Melody A. Lowe, ed., Maryville, Missouri: Prescott Publishing Company, 1993).
Robert L. Carothers, "Maintaining Sound Relations with System Campuses", in Governing Public Colleges and Universities: A Handbook for Trustees, Chief Executives and Other Campus Leaders, Richard T. Ingram, ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993.
Robert L. Carothers, Mary Sue Coleman, B. James Dawson, E. Gordon Gee, Charles A. Hines and Manuel T. Pacheco, Be Vocal, Be Visible, Be Visionary: Recommendations for College and University Presidents on Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention. Newton, Mass.: The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, 1998.
Robert L. Carothers, "Declaring Independence: A New Model for Public Presidents", Connection (Fall, 2004), 17-18.
Many local and regional op ed pieces.
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Robert L. Carothers, Freedom and Other Times. New York: The Poet's Press, 1972.
Robert L. Carothers, John Calvin's Favorite Son. Daleville, Indiana: The Barnside Press, 1980.
Robert L. Carothers, individual poems and groups of poems published in such journals as American Weave, Common Ground, Congress, A Cleveland Sampler, Hiram Poetry Review, Ikon, The Kent Quarterly, New Canadian and American Poetry, The Penguin Review, Polemic, Podium, Small Ponds, Toucan, Wrenches, The Denver Quarterly, etc.
Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania.